Subclass Special #3: Storm Herald Barbarian

“This is why I stick to the forests”, I say to Jared as we walk through the streets of Waterdeep exhausted, and a bit paranoid.
“At least when danger provokes us out there its just natural, it makes sense. Ehlonna’s beasts just using their natural instincts to hunt and protect what’s theirs. Here we get attacked and there’s all these plots and plans. Secrets and untold truths…. and a Beholder crime boss.”

“I don’t think that necromancer was a part of ‘mother nature’s’ natural whatever.” Jared retorts sarcastically.
I give him a humble look of disdain. With a smirk I say, “Well I’m sure he must have grown up in a city just like this. For all we know he can be here now, still following us.” We both laugh as we casually try to gather our surroundings. Just to be sure.
“We did what Xanathar wanted, albeit forcefully, but I think we’re in the clear to roam these streets. We did him a great service at the docks. I mean you pretty much washed away his problems,” Jared says.
“If it were not for my many years around poor humor, I think we would have had to draw our weapons.” I responded with a curled brow and a half cocked smile. “Isn’t that right buddy?” Kratos lets a short growl of a grunt escape his snout.
We continued on for hours wandering the streets of Waterdeep during the early hours into the midday. Passing by many merchants and street folk, shouting their goods and prices. We acquired what we needed for the road, stopping at almost every merchant. It’s been my experience that many vendors have different prices for the same goods. I know my former comrades would be proud. My thoughts trace back to my days with The Holy Crusade, my former allies from long ago. My mind stays entranced, reliving moments from the past. I know there were times Jared said things, but I pray he ignores me for my rude behavior, as I ignored him with my memories of old.
Stuck on this neverending road of reminiscence, I hear a voice…Ehlonna. She is calling to me. I snap out of it to see Kratos staring, at the ready. Her voice bid me to look up out towards the city’s walls. A storm, but something was unnatural. It was swiftly forming and roaring intensely. I tap Jared quickly and urge him to follow. We make haste towards the storm letting Ehlonna guide us through the streets. I feel her presence as I have countless times before. I can see she’s guiding Kratos as he darts farther ahead, seemingly aware of where we must go. We follow with brisk intent and I hear her voice once again. It feels like she needs aid or someone else does. Approaching the storm, I start to feel a link. It’s as if the storm clouds I summon to call lightning are the same ones darkening the sky. Ehlonna’s wrath fuels this storm and I need to be at the center of it.
As we get closer, outside the city walls, a battle ensues at the heart of the storm. Without hesitation I enlarge Kratos’ form, and as most common, I shapeshift into a bear. With our speeds increased, we make it to the battlefield to find a small group of men fighting an army of monsters. There were much more, but dead bodies lay everywhere. Both human and… I know these monsters. Kobolds… An army of kobolds. I don’t ask questions, I let Ehlonna’s grace guide my actions. I attack the closest group of kobolds, as Kratos does the same. But the numbers are immense. These humans are overwhelmed and are dropping dead one after another. I look towards, to what I presume is their leader, as he stands alone now. His fellow comrades all slain before him. The last defender of this hellish battle. Staring up into the eye of the storm, amidst battle, he roars in rage. I watch the largest bolt of lightning strike down upon him as his form seemed to grow a bit larger. His rage made him stronger. An aura of lightning surrounded him, as his reckless attacks and fast movement lay waste to these monsters. They were carrion fodder now, after facing this defiant primal champion.
I could see now, this barbarian, with indomitable strength, was also a protector of the wild. A defender of nature’s will under Ehlonna’s gaze. His cause is mine, as mine is his. Kratos is already fighting alongside him, as I tear into more dragon-like flesh. Those with wings tried to pin down the barbarian champion, but Kratos and I relieved him of such a threat. It was like second nature as we fought alongside each other. Ehlonna bridged the gap between us, linking our pasts and bringing it to this moment. We tore down the threat until the tables had turned. These kobolds were now fighting for their survival. His roars of rage fueled his axe with every swing. When the numbers proceeded to dwindle, I reverted back my regular form. Using the storms clouds to call lightning down on what few remained as the barbarian’s persistent rage came to an end. He stood there staring at the fallen brethren he had lost. What was left of his clan is now gone. As I stepped closer, he spun around towards me, and with a solid grasp we locked arms.
“Jaromir”, he said with a look of gratitude.
I give a nod. “Leokas, and this is Kratos.”, as I lead towards my companion. “And this is…”, as I go to introduce Jared I realize, he isn’t here. I look around in panic. Is he hurt? Is he dead? I search amongst the bodies, but he was no where in sight. Where did he go? As the storm clouds disperse, I see the answer to my questions. How could I not have noticed? With my heart dropping into my stomach, I look up and stare at the full moon. I hope I’m not too late.



Happy Halloween everyone! We are back with our third installment of “Subclass Special”. In contrast to what we do for Monster Mayhem posts, we will focus on more of a narrative for the ongoing adventures of Normac and Silverkin, instead of being “informative” as a bestiary would be. We are well aware that a basic Wizard player character won’t be able to summon monster’s of that magnitude, but we wanted to add some more flavor and excitement to the narrative. We hope you enjoy it.
Make sure to follow us on Instagram and Twitter, for more updates and future prizes/giveaways. We have more interesting content along the way. We just want to continue to grow and enrich this amazing community of Dungeons and Dragons. Thank you for the love and support. Until next time.
– Pat

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