Subclass Special #4: War Domain Cleric

There’s a hilltop close to Waterdeep, with a perfect view of the city and the docks. I’ve been coming here often to get away from the lunacy that is the heart of Waterdeep. Jared knows my heart lies within the forests and woodlands that I consider Ehlonna’s grasp, so he doesn’t mind when I wander off.

He hasn’t spoken of his recent actions, and I have yet to bring up the last full moon, but I think it’s more so my guilt that I haven’t been so forthcoming myself.

For some time now I’ve been having recurring dreams; memories. Echoes of the past haunting me in my times of rest. It’s been truly bothersome. In this life, those deemed immortal share the burden of countless years of interactions that soon fade away into the nether as we grow ever closer to the end. I feel Jared often forgets my age. I don’t surmise he would get a grip on the harsh reality that plagues those like me. So many years, so many faces. I’ve watched kings rise and fall, cities change, nations crumble.

It’s only by Ehlonna’s blessing that my faithful companion has been able to stick with me through it all. I did lose him for a moment though, but it felt like an eternity without him. It was then, in those earlier years where the echoes of my past lead me. Across the planes of existence, into another timeline; a separate reality. Where young Leokas Silverkin and Kratos, joined a group of pious men and women who would become the first real friends I’ve ever had.

Back on this hilltop, I stare off into the Sword Coast and think of Nasoj Ochamac, a cleric sworn by oath to serve Pelor against the evils that desolated his homeland. At least that’s what we thought.

Since I met Nasoj there was nothing but a looming darkness encompassing him. From the death of his brother at our introduction, to his bitter departure from the group. Clerics with a fixation on war tend to seek power throughout their travels. With strength and power, wars will be won. Nasoj shared this same sentiment. This lead to the atrophy of his oath, of his goodwill and his morals. He started to care not where this power came from even if it meant giving into powers of evil origin. We were all facing abhorrent futures that we were trying to rewrite. However, Nasoj cared not for this terrible future nor it’s outcome.

I don’t believe my mind, nor Ehlonna, could ever let me forget my possible fate. “Defender of the Black Woods. ‘He who rends flesh from the living, and replaces it with bark.’ The destroyer of the ‘civilized world’.” I’m relieved to have erased that possibility. But those visions still besiege me. Just as these echoes shout in my dreams.

Night after night, I’m taken back to the Ivory Tower. Magic distorting the rooms, deceased minotaurs floating around the interiors, and Grand Inquisitor Cho, battling the magical forces trying to breach our worlds. We’re sent to another realm: A maze of sorts, where a titan like minotaur chases us to the center.

“The gods of war watch over us in our times of desperation and chaos. War can be horrific and cruel, though it is in these moments, where acts of bravery, courage, and strength shine brightest. In these dark times, war manifests heroes out of ordinary common folk. Heroes that can turn the tides, reshaping the futures of small towns, to whole nations…. Wars will forever come and go, thus heroes will always arise….” Nasoj shared this wisdom with me on one of our watches. It shatters my heart to know that in desperation and chaos, he failed the hero he aspired to be, and succumbed to sinful sovereignty.

After escaping the maze and returning to the Ivory Tower, it was then that Nasoj; war domain cleric of Pelor did the unspeakable. Discarding his discipline and greeting the presence of evil, as he placed a minotaur helmet over his head, and attuned to those dark forces. The war priest’s divine favor and guided strikes, were replaced with disdain from the party, and a crack on his holy symbol. Later that week, we came across Death in the dead of night. Luckily we survived, but we all knew this could be the end of everything for us. As reward for our survival, Death gave us a nod, that led all of our eyes towards Nasoj. Without words, we all knew the meaning. The conflict within Nasoj was a battle we were all facing, and it was our job to help one another. He did not allow us to though.

That was the last time we ever saw Nasoj. He left us knowing his faith and relationship with Pelor were fractured, and with a goal to rekindle that divine flame within.

“The war gods promote war in all its manifestations. Supporting warriors in any circumstance. I pray the gods be with you on your travels, and in the battlefield. But most importantly, for the wars inside. The battles we don’t care to share. The ones that are quiet on our person, but scream in our hearts, in our minds. We all face these battles, whether big or small. May the war gods’ blessings strengthen you to defeat those inner demons, and grant you peace of mind.”

I’d like to think our accomplishments, of resetting that timeline, led Nasoj to a better path and peace. It was his struggle and his failures, that cemented our determination for righteous success.

I open my eyes, and see Jared has joined me. Not sure how long he’s been here, but I don’t ask. I let the echoes, turn into whispers; the whispers into silence.

“We have another job”, he says. “You good?”

Do I even tell him?


There is wisdom to be shared.

“It’s nothing.”

Next time I blink another century will pass me by…

“I’m fine.”

This man; Jared; my friend, will cease to exist.

“Heroes that can turn the tides, reshaping the futures of small towns, to whole nations…”


“Actually, lend me your ears, will you?”

Hey everyone, here is our fourth installment of “Subclass Special”. Now usually we explain the difference between these posts and our Monster Mayhem posts, but today we want to focus on the overall theme that was displayed here before you. It might not have been to extreme lengths, but it’s our way of taking our narrative and shedding some light on one of our many real world problems. Depression, anxiety, and even suicide, can all be prevented if we all talk about it. With all of the recurring suicides, it’s imperative, now more than ever, to start talking about it.
Please, if you are someone experiencing depression reach out to someone. Talk about it. Don’t let it bottle up inside. There are many of us out there who are going through the same things, and we understand. No ones depression is greater than the other. We all have a voice, so lets share it. Also, please if it gets to that point, call (1-800-273-8255) they are available 24 hours a day, everyday.
We love you all. Especially those in the D&D/Gaming/Table-Top community. Lets continue to love, uplift and support each other. If anyone would like to reach out, please feel free to message us. Go to our contact and email us. We’re here to hear you out and share words.
Thank you.

Make sure to follow us on Instagram and Twitter, for more updates and future prizes/giveaways. We have more interesting content along the way. We just want to continue to grow and enrich this amazing community of Dungeons and Dragons. Thank you for the love and support. Until next time.
– Pat

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